Friday, June 18, 2010

Move it along

I am devoting this next, very short, post to the Mantra of Move it along.

This person puts theory in to practice and creates yummy food while at it. :) and my friend of my facebook friend (discrete, no?), introduced me to this concept, and the Mantra and the Mantra's family a couple of years ago and we've had many a fun nights. They also fed us in the dark times of first year API, when we were in a sleep deprived, stressed induced fog. yes, I think fog is the correct term as by the middle of first semester everything it was difficult to see why we'd subject ourselves to this mayhem allowing ourselves to fall into a zombie like stupor.... and we still hadn't made it half way through the thick of it...

So, after reading about some very yummy culinary adventures on Ottawa (and references to this movement in the writing), I decided to do just the same last night.

Yes, that is right, I had a move it along moment. but it wasn't just a moment, it was an EVENT. I literally moved EVERY thing along that was in my fridge.

I got home from work, after dealing with university things and thesis writing, and well, I didn't feel like venturing out to find something to eat, or wait in line at the grocery store (there are ALWAYS lines).

So i looked in my fridge. Now, living here for such a short time means that I am not buying in bulk. at all. literally, that 48 hour emergency thing----I am not sure so i would be eating anything but pasta....raw pasta as I do believe that the 48 prepared means no electricity.....

anyway, my fridge was pretty bar being the end of a work week and all.... I had half a tomato, one expired egg, a can of corn, some bread, scrapings of cheese, pickles mustard and horse radish and a quarter of a watermelon and a left over squirty can of whip cream from....i don't even remember when I bought it.

So in the spirit of move it along, this is what I made:

an open faced sandwich, with fried egg, cheese (a smoked variety and Trappista, a Hungarian cheese, which tastes like salty mozzarella, on dark pumpernickel bread (lightly toasted in the t-fal). with a Tomato, corn salsa (with a little cider vinegar, oil and salt and pepper). and a pickle, because I love pickles. Dessert was: Watermelon and left over whip cream for dessert. yum!

With the exception of the mustard and the horse radish, and half of the quarter watermelon, everything was moved along.

My Fridge is bare.

Be proud Move it along friend, you have a follower, who is following.

*a short note on the expired egg. I thought of my other 'mayonnaise never expired friend' and did the 'does the egg float test'. It didn't. so I ate it. even if it was TEN days expired. proud?*


  1. A wee tear is forming my good student! We can start a global revolution for Move It Along! Soaking the watermelon in booze could have kicked it up a notch! Then cubed and loaded into a martini glass for presentation. (You do have a martini glass, don't you?) There is still more watermelon to play with!

    Would have loved to have seen it all. Pictures, next time girl. We need that food porn.

    Thanks for the 'tribute' piece.

  2. We are practicing Move It along on our Camino. We had to prepare yesterday for today as many places are closed in France on Sunday. We didn't know what we be available for foraging. We also had access to a fridge in Paris and as such were able to buy fresh pasta. Alas it is very difficult to buy for 2 people instead of our usual numbers. We purchased the smallest size of pasta sauce and ate pasta for 2 nights. One night with camembert and one night without. THe only daily purchase was a baguette and wine. We cannot carry anything too heavy once we leave SJPDP so everything except the Petits Pains Suedois must be eaten. We bought our jambon cru in amounts of 100 grams which is enough for 2 meals. I hear you say, move it along.... we will continue this when we return and that which is not moved along within a month will go to the foodbank. I mean the can goods... We have sent 2 shopping bags already.
    Hey Trappista is cheest made by the Trappist monks. The recipe is the same it appears all over the world. Have you had Oka?

  3. drunkin' watermelon. I like your thinking. as you can buy booze anywhere (even macdonalds and the 24 hour subway across the street), this will be on my radar next time I need to kick something up.

    now for the martini glasses. those I do not have. I do however having matching mugs that have are painted in a gingam sort of theme with a goose on them, a wide array of Santa Claus mugs and two clear Ikea glasses. Of the choices, I feel the clear Ikea glasses would be the closest to a martini glass...however, a drunken goose could be fun.

    photos: I will try next time. there will be a photo....:)

    and to Camino: Yes, I like Oka, a lot. I like all types of cheese. except there is a very large different in Oka and Hungarian Trappista. But it is packaged the same...the Hungarian is very um. rubbery?

    Taking Risks..all part of the experience :)
    And the following post, verifies that you are still alive and did not die of food poisoning!
    YAY :) xxxx

    PS. its a good job you and I do not have a point system cause i would totally get a point for this :) xx

  5. Yay, moving it along! I definitely need to move things along in K's fridge this week. Our "move it along" role model also told me once that it takes a long time for yogurt to actually go bad, so I definitely took advantage of that last week...and I'm still here! I also put expired eggs in water to see if they float or not thanks to our good friend :)

  6. The eggs in the water trick never lies... :)
    Love you both! xxx
