Monday, June 28, 2010

What to wear....

if you were a person attending a garden party, where it may rain, where festive colours must be in order, where you will most likely be asked to schlep a thing or two, but you also want to look proper and represent the country of your birth on the day of her birthday.....what would you wear?




  1. schlep? What the heck is this? I would suggest some sort of red dress..but like a sun dress..nothing fancy...Do you have this? Keep in mind that i do not know what Schlep means so I may be way off with the dress.. what about a red pair of shorts..a white t-shirt (fitted) and a red this too much?? is supposed to rain? ok, i have no idea..i dont have enough details to make a seriously good recommendation..haha :D Sorry!Good luck though! xxx

  2. schlep-lug, move, carry, do what I am told......schlep anything from ice cream to drunk people. certain dresses could work. but they'd have to not be too complicated...

    no red dress...I settled on a thin red and white striped colored shirt with enough frills to make it look presentable. Black skirt, black shoes... red is not a hot colour this season. and i have no old navy or gap to buy country colours.....

  3. this took two attempts at shopping. one almost ending in me having a nervous breakdown when a small child kept bumping into be in a line, where people were already too far into my bubble. When I am tired from work, or tired of waiting (in line, for a tram, or you know for anything my impatient self can't handle) my North American bubble also reveals itself. Don't worry I kept it together. :-)
